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27 Underrated Pet Products That Are Actually Worth Purchasing

Dec 10, 2023

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed collects a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

Your fur baby will thank you, too.

BuzzFeed Staff

Promising review: "I never write reviews but this one deserves it. My dog was compulsively licking herself and losing her hair. I had tried multiple other brands before Zesty Paws and none of them helped at all. Took her to the vet and after several hundred dollars of testing they had no idea what it could be. They didn't feel allergies could be THAT bad in a dog but all bloodwork and testing came back perfect. They told me to just keep watching her and hoped as the seasons changed so would the problem if it actually was allergies. Three seasons later and nothing had changed, it was actually getting worse. Finally tried these and WOW! She's been on these for a month and her hair is coming back and she isn't licking herself at all now. The first product to actually help! As others have said it does take a few weeks for a change to be noticeable, but when that change happens you won't be disappointed. Would definitely recommend when all else has failed!! Will be keeping her on these long term." —hgb

Get a pack of 90 from Amazon for $29.90 (also available in versions for puppies, senior dogs, and at vet strength, and in other pack sizes).

Promising review: "Nothing else would take pet hair off of my outdoor porch furniture cushions. This broom took it all off easily. One of the best brooms I have ever had for pet hair removal on floors and furniture." —Kelli Thompson

Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

Check out our FURemover broom review for more satisfying before and after photos!

Promising review: "My dog Hazel LOVES this duck! She has had it for nine months now, and it’s still intact! It somehow made it through her teething as a puppy. She rips and tears apart all of her toys, but this one still looks decent!" —Emily Ann

Get it from Amazon for $7.24.

Check out our Multipet yellow duck toy review for more deets and some adorable photos of a pup and his quacker.

Promising review: "None of my cats like to play with toys and it was driving me wild! They have so much energy but would get bored with any toy within days. I tried rotating them and interactive toys, anything and everything for hours and at different times. There is nothing that has kept my cats busy like these grooming tools! I have literally never seen any of them sit and mess with something for more than a few minutes but my cats will rub on this for like 20 minutes at a time. 100% worth the money!" —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

To use, apply the product to the stain and let sit for 30–60 minutes. Then blot and let air-dry.

Promising review: "My Yorkie developed kidney disease and now drinks more than her body weight in water only to have it promptly come out the other end. She no longer seems to care whether she hits the pee pads, and I literally spend my days cleaning up urine, fecal matter, and barf from this animal. Despite people raving about Nature's Miracle...I discovered immediately that it did nothing to rid the smell deposited by this seven-pound peeing machine! I tried Clorox, Resolve, Furry Freshness, and the list goes on and on. I finally decided to try Rocco & Roxie's and was SHOCKED at how well it worked! I have resisted writing a review because I honestly believed it was too good to be true and that at any moment the smell would return. But after four years of using it (over six gallons worth), I feel it's finally safe to say the smell is NOT coming back!!! Does it have a strong smell when using it? Yes...quite a bit. BUT...the smell DOES dissipate, and it truly does neutralize the urine smell!!! I can happily say that it ALSO gets rid of the stain!!! I have used this on urine, feces, AND vomit, and it rocks!! a whole lot of time; buy this product! It is worth every penny!!!" —K. Foster

Rocco & Roxie Supply Co. is a family-owned small business named after the family's Labradoodle and rescued tabby. They specialize in pet tools, treats, and toys!

Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in two sizes).

This automatic feeder can hold up to 12 meals depending on the size of each portion (you can choose from 1/8 cup to 4 cups).

Promising reviews: "This is the best, most reliable feeder I have tried. Worth every penny for the peace of mind knowing that if you are running late (or want to sleep in on the weekend), the cats will be fed and content." —Karen Demont

"Our cat is fat. Her life is pretty much driven by food and the only way we've been able to keep her at a moderately sustainable weight is by giving her healthy food she hates and this pet feeder. Every time we come back from a trip, there are a few more claw and bite marks on it, but it holds strong. She's even tried to sit on it, but it's done nothing more than presumably horrify it a little. I would recommend this for anyone who has a cat who is consumed with eating and getting food. Her persistence has defeated every other one we have tried. Yes, it is expensive. Yes, it is absolutely worth it." —BMoney

Get it from Amazon for $89.95.

Promising review: "This thing is aahhhh-mazing! I’ve had several kinds of cat hair removers — adhesive strips, sticky rollers, rubber nubby gloves. Nothing else works as well and as quickly. Easy to clean out, too. I bought one handheld and a bigger one on a long handle for carpet and area rugs. Love them! They even clean the hair off the stupid red velvet drapes that came with the house when we bought it." —M. Bauer

Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

Promising review: "My pittie struggled with getting his nails clipped after a bad grooming experience. With one use he’s already got it down, and it’s made the process 100% easier." —Etsy Customer

Scratchpad for Dogs is a small business based in Atlanta. The owner designed the Scratch Pad after adopting their dog, who was afraid of nail clippers and needed a fear-free alternative.

Get it from Scratchpad for Dogs on Etsy for $46.95+ (available in four styles and three grit levels).

Promising review: "Our cats love their new sun beds! Perfect for snoozing, spying on the neighbors, and squirrel watching! Easy to assemble, sturdy, and attractive." —26.2 Mama

Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in two colors).

Promising review: "Our senior dog Allie has always been anxiety ridden - she came to us from an abusive situation. In her old age almost everything seems to make her nervous. We got a new microwave and she is terrified of it. We give her one of these every day with her other meds and she is so much better. I like that it is NOT a benzodiazepine and it's not sedating. She is able to enjoy life without being stoned. I didn't expect much, but it works great for us." —Shawn Murphy

Get it from Amazon for $31.32+ (available in four flavors).

PLUS it's high-tech: When you're ready to unload the nuggets in the garbage, just press a button to let the bottom flap open!

Promising review: "This was delivered today and I scooped the box right after. This thing is phenomenal. It is ergonomic and easy to hold and use, so no getting your hands dirty. The bag doesn't fall into the trash because it's a precise slide from the scoop straight into the can. It's just the right size to sift out the good and dump the rest without it sliding through. The button is easy to use and snappy. It's got a really good-sized scoop and a plenty big enough shoot out the bottom. I think I'm in love with my new pooper-scooper hahahaha! I rarely write reviews but I had to write one for this lil' item! Must-have!" —Nicole Diddle

Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in two colors).

Promising review: "I have two young Siamese mix cats that chew wires, shoes, wooden spoons. These chew sticks are perfect for them. They sniff the sticks, rub on them, and then start chewing. My two cats that are over 10 years old just rub on them but don't enjoy chewing them. If you have a very active cat that does destructive chewing, these are a great substitute." —JEM4612

Meowy Janes is a delightfully named small business based in New Jersey. It specializes in catnip and catnip alternatives.

Get them from Amazon for $10.21.

Promising review: "I have never seen my cat so happy! He really liked his flavor explorer toy! It has very good adhesion and you can place it where you prefer, even on the floor. I think it is an excellent purchase to see my cat super happy!" —Karla Villafuerte

Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (also available as standalones not on the board).

Promising review: "We adopted a sweet three-legged 50-pound Dutch shepherd from the Humane Society recently. Her former two homes were bad, and she had to fight for her food. Because of this, she has crazy food aggression and inhales her food in a regular bowl. A friend recommended this bowl to us and it is FAB-U-LOUS! We mix up some homemade dog food (wet) along with grain-free kibble and spread it around the bowl. Our girl takes FAR longer to eat now. I'm guessing around five to seven minutes? The bowl works best on a smooth, noncarpeted surface as it has grip on the bottom. This ensures that the bowl doesn't slide around. It is also heavy-duty, durable plastic that can go in the dishwasher (if I hand clean it, I soak in soapy water and scour with kitchen scrubber). Great product! I highly recommend this bowl for your fur baby too." —Shan the Painter

Get it from Amazon for $8.04+ (available in a variety of sizes and designs and eight colors).

Promising review: "WE FOUND IT! A play ball that can stand up to our 14-week-old part black Lab, part shark. We have tried several toys that would stand up to the extremely sharp teeth. Nothing has worked for over 15 minutes of intensive playtime. We heard about this ball from a fellow puppy owner and ordered immediately. Added bonus: She is exhausted after chasing this thing around, so nap time comes quickly." —james Bennett

Get it from Amazon for $14.97 (available in three colors/styles and a two-pack).

Promising review: "I love this paw butter. For so long my Aussie had the driest, most cracked paws. I would cry and stress out because nothing worked. I tried shea butter and coconut oil but it wasn’t enough so one night I ended up buying this paw butter and tried it on my dog. First off it smells amazing — so good that my Aussie licks his paws for an hour after applying the product, so I had to put regular baby socks on his paws to stop him from licking. I'm almost done with the product and my dog's paws have improved enormously. He no longer has super-dried-up, cracked paws. They are soft and pink how a dog's paws should be! I love this products. It saved my dog's paws and I use it every other day, sometimes twice a day. Lifesaver!" —Juliet Betancourt

Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

Promising review: "This worked great! I have an itchy Boston, so itchy it was said that it would probably be better to put him down by a vet. Defective dog or not, this was not going to happen. Many weeks of trying to figure out what was causing his itches, CHICKEN! Took that out of his diet and no more itches! Wow, rocket science, right. Nonetheless, left my Boston with the in-laws for two days and came back to a flared-out, itchy dog. He didn’t sleep, I didn’t sleep. He was digging at his paws so bad they were swollen. I looked on Amazon and saw this item, tried it, and within an hour of the five-minute paw soak, no more itch!" —geniphre

Get 12 tablets from Amazon for $19.99 (also available as a pack of 75 or 300).

Promising review: "Cats aren't prone to drinking enough water, and they also abhor getting their whiskers wet. This fountain, recommended by a friend, was a huge hit from the moment I set it up and solved both of those problems. My kitty now guzzles water any time she wishes, which is definitely more than before (and yay, I don't have to turn the sink on for her now, which was the only way she'd drink water). This is fantastic!" —Hermit

Get it from Amazon for $35.88 (also available in green and stainless steel).

Promising review: "I honestly can’t believe how well this stuff works. Like magic it restored pet claw- AND pet water bowl-damaged wood all over my house. I am amazed at the results. Thank you!" —Nicole Thomas

Get it from Amazon for $11.79.

Check out my colleague's review of the fruit tart bed for more deets and some seriously cute photos of her cats enjoying it.

Promising review: "My kitten loves this bed. Along with looking cute, it is incredibly soft. The fruit give extra support for her to lie on, and she loves to play with the fruit. The lemon and kiwi are her favorite to play with. It doubles as a bed and some toys. She took to this bed immediately, and she often won't leave it. It's also pretty flexible, so I can put it in her carrier for vet visits so she'll feel comfortable. Everyone I show this bed to thinks it's the cutest thing ever, and I'm so glad to have found this." —Casandra B

Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in two sizes).

Promising review: "I purchased this to give one of my cats a place to rest near me while I was on the couch. The couch isn't big enough for cats + me (it can take one cat and myself, presuming I have not put other items on it). This scratching post has been great for getting my cats to stop scratching at the couch. I put it right next to the couch. It's the same sisal cord of the other cat trees, so my cats immediately knew it was for their claws. Since putting this next to the couch, the clawing of the couch has gone down 90%. I often find various different cats napping in the top of the tower as well, which is nice. They're able to be by me, I'm able to be by them, and neither of us is disturbing the other (I usually knit at the couch; which all of my cats have been trained not to bother yarn, but they have not quite yet learned not to bother charging cables for my phone/electronics). This works so well, I am likely to purchase additional cat trees like this as I increase the amount of furniture I have in that room." —Heidi N. Clinefelter

Get it from Amazon for $179.99.

Promising review: "My smaller dog unfortunately has pretty bad breath (not your typical dog breath, much worse). Brushing her teeth regularly helps somewhat alleviate the problem, as do dental foams and rinses, but nothing has worked as noticeably as this powder. She has no issues eating it (although, she'd eat anything) and it lasts a while considering that she only goes through one teaspoon a day. I would definitely recommend giving it a try if nothing else is working and medical reasons have been ruled out." —DG

Get it from Amazon for $20.91.

The food tracker is also available for cats and fish, and there is a version to track medication for dogs and humans.

Promising review: "Awesome product! There are four of us who were working together to feed the dogs. It simplified everything because I no longer have to text to see if anyone had fed them every morning. Now I just to see if it's green and if it's not, I feed them and indicate it. We all love it so much!" —Toni Deegan

Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

The purr mechanism lasts two minutes before turning off automatically.

Promising review: "My cat used to WAIL in the car all the way to the vet. I tried crating her, not crating her, letting her ride in my lap, nothing helped. On a whim I googled solutions and came across this. Tried it and IT WORKS!!!! She was quiet the whole way. I put her in a small crate with her cat bed, put it in the front passenger seat, put this toy right next to the crate door. I had to leave the toy outside because it times out after a minute or two and you have to keep squeezing it. But it worked like a charm! I suggest introducing your cat to it before the car ride so it’s not new and scary. But the sound is very soothing. Even the ladies at the vet commented it would put them to sleep!" —Jde19630

Get it from Amazon for $9.58+ (available in five styles).

Promising review: "Simply the best cat toy you can buy. My cats go wild as soon as I pull this out. Nothing else gets them up and moving like this toy now that they’re getting older. Seems silly that they love a simple wire with a cardboard tip, but there’s something about it that’s irresistible. Buy it. Your cats will love it." —A customerrr

Get it from Amazon for $3.53.

Promising review: "We're using these to give my dog a voice. I've recorded 'potty outside,' 'water please,' and 'treat' into these buttons and put them around the house for her to use. Now when she needs to use the restroom she says 'potty outside.' When she comes back in, she goes straight to 'treat' and asks for her reward. When her bowl is empty she lets me know by pushing 'water, please.' She is a 9-pound Chihuahua with arthritis in her front paw and has no problems pushing the buttons down to make them speak. Great purchase. I want to buy more and add more phrases. (Phrases like 'play,' 'car ride,' 'bedtime,' and 'cuddles!') I am 100% happy!" —Tye Rannosaurus

Get it from Amazon for $15.57.

Promising review: "I have always had a problem with my one cat vomiting undigested food. My vet told me she was probably eating too fast. I stumbled upon an ad on Facebook stating the bowl position was the reason for cats vomiting; bowls resting on the floor put their neck at an odd angle and can cause acid reflux. I’ve used them for about two weeks and my cat has not vomited once! It was almost a daily occurrence prior to purchasing these! I did have to rest their old bowls inside these to get them to eat. But after a few days I could put the food directly into these bowls and they did not complain." —kindlefire09-8

Get it from Amazon for $23.99.

Promising review: I have resisted writing a review because I honestly believed it was too good to be true and that at any moment the smell would return. But after four years of using it (over six gallons worth), I feel it's finally safe to say the smell is NOT coming back!!